Digging into the Sieve of Eratosthenes

Sieve of Eratosthenes

After a little Wikipedia rabbit hole session I came across an interesting method for calculating all primes up to a given limit:

In mathematics, the sieve of Eratosthenes is a simple, ancient algorithm for finding all prime numbers up to any given limit. Wikipedia

From the description, it works by creating a set containing all numbers greater than 2 up to the limit. Selecting the first prime and then flagging non primes (composites) as the multiples of that prime. After flagging all composites for the selected prime, it moves on to the next number, which would be a prime and does the same, until reaching the limit.

A super simple implementation of this would be something along these lines

const basic = (limit) => {
  const NumSet = new Set()
  const PrimeSet = new Set()

  for (let p = 2; p <= limit; p++) {
    if (!NumSet.has(p)) {
      for (let k = p; k <= limit; k++) {
        NumSet.add(k * p)

  return PrimeSet

Note that here I’m using two sets, one containing all the primes and another containing all the composites. It is an extremely naive implementation and would run out of memory for limits > 15000 with the default nodejs memory limits.

Published 18 Oct 2018

Thoughts on coding, crypto and other tidbits.
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